Deposit Policies
Updated APRIL 2024
All tattoos require a Non-Refundable deposit of at least $100.00
Deposits on larger sits are 40% of the approximate quote (artist's hourly rate x approximate time)
ex. portrait by *artist name* ($140/hr) - expected time (6hrs) = $840 x .40= $336 -
If you do not have a deposit, you do NOT have an appointment
You are expected to bring your deposit card to your appointment. We are NOT responsible for lost, damaged or misplaced deposit cards. We will NOT redeem the card's value without the card present
We do NOT guarantee the time discussed with an artist without a deposit. You will be considered a "walk in" and we can not guarantee an artist will be available
Artists with long wait lists or whom are booking months out - please give us as much notice as possible to reschedule, we would rather you reschedule at 2 weeks out due to -insert reason here- than you cancel 48 hrs before because you're "sick" - you will not lose your deposit if you reschedule for personal reasons for ONE reschedule. We appreciate the courtesy as it allows the artist time to reschedule another client and not lose out on a day's work.
You will lose your deposit if you CANCEL or RESCHEDULE the appointment within 24hrs for piercings or 48hrs for Tattoos. If you do not show up for an appointment you will also lose your deposit. Deposits are non-refundable, however if given more than 24hrs (Piercing) or 48hrs (Tattoo) notice they may be transferred
You will lose your deposit if you reschedule a second appointment in a row even if you give 24hrs (Piercing) or 48hr (Tattoo) notice
If you are 15 minutes late to a tattoo (under 3hrs), piercing or cosmetic appointment, you will lose your deposit.
If you are 30 minutes late to your tattoo appointment (over 3hrs) you will lose your deposit
If you are booking a tattoo that requires a custom drawing, you will be asked to put down a minimum deposit of $300, if you change your mind on the tattoo or change the design or require large amounts of re-working on the design, you will be asked for another deposit 40% of the artists hourly rate per additional hour of drawing time. If only minor changes are needed and you continue with the tattoo, the deposit will be used towards the overall cost of the tattoo upon completion, at the artists discretion. You may forfeit your deposit if you use your deposit for hourly drawing time/revisions. You will be required to place another deposit down or the artist may elect to no longer work on this tattoo once the deposit is used up)
When you sign the waiver for a service, you are agreeing to ALL terms on this page
You can NOT charge back any payments on your Credit Card
If you have lost a deposit and wish to rebook, the deposit percent will go up from 40% up to 100% depending upon the situation and the deposit policies will still apply.
Deposits are for agreed upon tattoo, in the agreed upon location and for the original person only. They can not be transferred without prior discussion with shop management or artist
Deposits are carried over all appointments if the tattoo requires multiple sessions. The deposit will be deducted upon the final session
You can NOT pre-pay for a tattoo (unless using Aterpay)
Deposits are accepted in store with Cash or Credit Card or Online through PayPal or E-Transfer
Updated APRIL 2024
Afterpay payments will have 7% of the service price added to the total.
Deposit policies apply www.grimstudios.ca/policy
When you pay this invoice you are agreeing to this, regardless of if you have read this.
You also are accepting that you CAN NOT charge back any amount of this invoice or any other payments for any reason and that payment of this invoice accepts that.
If you are using Afterpay for payment, you will be charged the full tattoo amount upfront (max $2000, the remaining balance if over $2000 can be paid after individual sessions like regular non-afterpay appointments, deposits will be required for the individual sessions) -
If you cancel your appointment, or reschedule within 48hrs, you will charged for the session, and will need to pay the applicable deposit policy before you can rebook.
ex. you afterpay $2000 for a tattoo, it is going to be 2 day sessions. and you reschedule 1 of the 2 appointments at 24hrs before the appointment, you will be charged 40% of the day rate of the artist ($1000/day) so $400 will be the penalty, this will need to be paid before we reschedule the missed appointment.)
If you reschedule a second time, we will increase the % to reschedule as per our deposit policy.
All future appointments will be canceled until this penalty is paid. -
You MUST have a backup payment method in case there is an issue with Afterpay.
NON PAYMENT IS THEFT and will be reported to the Police Department as a crime. -
Afterpay Payments (max $2000) MUST BE PAYED UPFRONT.
The SERVICE DATE on this invoice is the hypothetical date of your first appointment, it will NOT be booked (confirmed) until this invoice is PAID.
If you decide NOT to use Afterpay, please email us and we will book you in with our standard procedures.
When you sign the waiver for a service, you are agreeing to ALL terms on this page
You can NOT charge back any payments on your Credit Card
Pricing Policy
Updated October 2023
There is a $100+HST shop minimum. No exceptions
Artists' start at $150/hr
Some artists have higher minimums
Drawing time is not included in large custom work or with multiple revisions (f you are booking a tattoo that requires a custom drawing, you will be asked to put down a minimum deposit of $300, if you change your mind on the tattoo or change the design or require large amounts of re-working on the design, you will be asked for another deposit 40% of the artists hourly rate per additional hour of drawing time. If only minor changes are needed and you continue with the tattoo, the deposit will be used towards the overall cost of the tattoo upon completion, at the artists discretion. You may forfeit your deposit if you use your deposit for hourly drawing time/revisions. You will be required to place another deposit down or the artist may elect to no longer work on this tattoo once the deposit is used up)
Artists have the right to price or quote tattoos either by the piece or hourly
We charge hourly for set up time & breaks including lunch
Consultations are complimentary
Payments accepted: Cash or Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard) PrePaid Credit Cards seldom work on our credit system
We do NOT accept Debit or Visa Debit
When you sign the waiver for a service, you are agreeing to ALL terms on this page
You can NOT charge back any payments on your Credit Card
Touch Up Policy
Updated October 2023
All tattoos done at GRIM include a free touchup within 90 days with the artists' discretion. If the tattoo was done at our shop by an artist no longer at the shop, we will honour the touchup. If you had an arrangement with an artist who is at our shop now for a touch up policy that is different than ours, the artist will be allowed to honour the previous agreement
Artists do not offer touch ups on weekends
Tattoos do not heal perfect and natural healing discolouration is normal. Clients who disregard healing recommendations will be refused for touchups
There are no touchups on hands, fingers, feet, elbows, knees etc.
Touch up appointments cancelled, rescheduled within 24hours or no shows no longer receive a free touch up
Touch ups outside of 90 days on tattoos previously touched up for free or otherwise or tattoos that do not qualify for a free touchup will be charged $80+ (Tattoos done at our shop ONLY)
When you sign the waiver for a service, you are agreeing to ALL terms on this page
Wait List Policy
Updated October 2023
As appointments become available, they will be offered first to ongoing tattoos and then to new clients.
Cancellations are offered to clients on a first come, first serve basis. If you wish to be on a cancellation list for an artist - please join their cancellation list on each artist's page.
Any major changes in design may result in you being rescheduled to the first available appointments (for some artist's - this is 4-6 months during busy season)
Appointments are non-transferable. You may NOT give your time to another client under any circumstances
We strongly recommend booking multiple appointments at once if you are working on a tattoo that requires multiple sessions to avoid long wait times between appointments.
When you sign the waiver for a service, you are agreeing to ALL terms on this page
General Shop Policy
Updated October 2023
You must be 18+ to get genitals, advanced piercings, surface, microdermals or nipples pierced. No exceptions. ID is required. Parental consent is NOT accepted
You must be at least 16 with parent or legal guardian consent or 18+ to get tattooed. ID is required
You must be at least 14 with parent or legal guardian consent or 16+ to get basic piercings. ID is required
We will not pierce children under the age of six for ear lobes, ever. We will pierce children's earlobes if they are old enough to request the piercing for themselves, understand what it is they are getting, understand the required aftercare and can express any concerns or discomfort
We may not tattoos hands, necks or faces if you are not heavily tattooed, in the industry or have pre-existing tattoos in those areas
We will not tattoo drug related images, gang affiliations, names of significant others, derogatory or discriminatory designs, racist or homophobic, negative images depicting religions or minorities, or any thing we deem inappropriate or offensive
We will ask anyone in gang colours or patches to either remove their symbols of gang affiliation or patches or leave. We will not tattoo anyone visibly in a gang or criminal organization
We photograph all tattoos and own the rights to these images and can use them however we see fit. If you would like us to remove images or blur out features of you to make images more anonymous - please email us. You can refuse to be photographed
All clients are on security cameras except in private service rooms upstairs (piercing rooms, cosmetic tattoo room, private tattoo rooms)
Clients are allowed one person with them into the tattoo area, at the artist's discretion. Artists are able to ask guests to leave or sit at the front waiting area for any reason
We reserve the right to ask anyone to leave for any reason
We will NEVER tolerate racist, homophobic, discriminatory or offensive remarks. GRIM Studios is a SAFE space for all minority groups & individuals and anyone who threatens that safe space is not welcome
We offer gender neutral bathrooms
We are wheelchair accessible - we welcome clients with special needs or requests to call or email us before arriving so we can accommodate your needs as best we can (Laser tattoo removal is NOT wheelchair accessible)
We are never responsible for wrong spelling of names, incorrect dates or translations in other languages
If you have questions or concerns about anything to do with the shop, healing, aftercare, sterilization practices, process, material etc - please feel free to ask to your satisfaction
We do offer tours of the shop and all our services (based on availability of managerment, please call to confirm time)
No Pets. Registered Service Animals Welcome
No children under 14 without supervision. Families are welcome but we are not responsible for their safety or wellbeing
When you sign the waiver for a service, you are agreeing to ALL terms on this page